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Bayu Prawira Hie, MD, MBA, PhD

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Dr. Bayu Prawira Hie is a Digital Transformation Consultant at Executive Director of Intellectual Business Community. Business wise, he has more than 30 years business experience, domestic and international in many top executive positions as International General Manager in Europe, Director, Senior Vice President, and CEO. Academic wise, he has more than 25 years teaching experience for Post Graduate Program in several business schools and served as the President of Trisakti School of Communication Media (Sekolah Tinggi Media Komunikasi Trisakti) in the year 2011-2015. He leads the “Digital Banking Awards” jury team, which has awarded 33 banks in the year 2022.

There are two books that he has published: “Panduan Transformasi Digital Bank di Indonesia” 260 pages (MNC Publishing, 2021) “Revolusi Sistem Pendidikan Nasional dengan Metode e-Learning” 144 pages(Gramedia, 2014).

He is active on mass media for education. He has had a TV Program called The CEO Reference, a talk-show with CEOs and Top Level Decision Makers in the framework of Harvard Business Review article, in 2007-2011. In 2006-2012 he regularly broadcasted business advices in SmartFM radio network and Brava Radio. In 2013-2017 he had several TV shows in DAAI TV and MNC TV. Currently he occasionally serves as a resource person in TVs.

As a hobby, he is still practising as a medical doctor and a committee member in the FKUI alumni association.

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